Sunday, July 13, 2008

Books I want to read...

My utmost for His highest (It's a devotional book, probably going to look for it for next year since right now I've got an awesome one or two going on)

The Cost of Discipleship (I've wanted to read this book forever, but have never found it or gotten around to it)

There are some others but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

It's Sunday morning, and I slept too long to get a ride to church (I'm not so much jet lagged as tired from all the walking and searching and exploring i did yesterday)... and i feel awful about it, so I'm going to have my own chuch service here in my house. :-P

anyways. I didn't really have much to say, just making a list for my reference... also, if anyone has Becky Cranfill's e-mail address, could you pass it along to me? that'd be great.


1 comment:

Cath said...

ok - so I'm going to unashamedly give you something else to think about for your somewhat cruisy life here in Kodi!!! Come be part of our CE team...grade 9-12 youth groupy thing on Wednesdays from 9-10pm ;) love you to help out!! Also, I have 'the cost of discipleship' sitting on my bookshelf :) Please come and have tea with me sometime!!! (or, again - bring one of those cool movies!!)
Blessings. xo