Thursday, July 17, 2008

Blessings all around...

Today has been full of blessings... I'll just let you read what I wrote in a more private journal about the current situation(s).

... Thursday has almost completely passed. At least tonight I get a real dinner. We're having all the staff together for dinner, so that should be fun and at least it's better than crackers. :-)

I still find it hard to believe that as I'm sitting here, I'm sitting here in India. That when I go to the market, I'm in India. That as I eat food, I'm in India. Can I reiterate that it's wierd to consciously think that I'm in India?

For those that might know, how do you go about raising support for a long term endeavor like the one I'm on. I'm increasingly finding that at least initially, it's expensive to live in India. (just getting set up and what not). Being just out of college, I don't have any savings to dig in to, and in fact, actually have debt to pay off. Most of my debt will be deferred for the time I'm here, so that's good. The only one I'll have to concern myself with is my credit card. But otherwise, getting my shipment here (which I think I'll probably owe on), and getting my house set up, and getting stuff together for different things (like in the band room) is expensive. Mostly because we are isolated on top of a mountain. However, my love for this area grows everyday, as does my heart for this country. I don't know if I ever want to leave!

I'm sitting here next to the head of the SoEx program, and was talking to him about the trips to orphanages on the weekends and stuff and I'm really excited about that. You have no idea.

AND, my housemate just walked in to the computer lab, and I've finally met her!

YAY! And we're getting a puppy! A mountain dog! So excited. This makes me REALLY REALLY happy. Let me explain, the SoEx teacher (Ryan) has puppies that are just 8 weeks old tomorrow, and was offering them around, but I told him I had to wait til I found out my housemate and what she wanted. SO, now that Yisu is here, I have a housemate, and she wants a dog as well! That is so exciting.

So, life is grand right now.


So basically, you can see that life is indeed interesting. Tomorrow I will have a housemate, and perhaps more living room furniture. She kind of wants to paint the house, so we might do that, as well. We'll still need to get the kitchen set up, and such. But we'll have a dog that Ryan is going to take care of "family planning" and shots. :-)

I'm excited about this turn of events as I was actually supposed to have a housemate on Tuesday, and so have been alone since Saturday. It's all good, and that quiet time has probably been for the best.

God is good all the time.
All the time, God is good!

Only an hour and a half til dinner. Good times.

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