Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sick on a Sunday...

So, I took Saturday, and went to the store and then relaxed in the sun and read... it was a good day... Unfortunately, I was sick all of last night, and now I'm sitting at home without energy to get up. It's really not fun.

But otherwise, we've finished the fourth cycle of school. There are still challenges, and people trying to mess with schedules, but that's okay. The school is still on lockdown against the swine flu. It's special. RSM is coming up in about two months, and I'm working hard with my students to make sure they're prepared.

It's really interesting this semester because I haven't truly searched out ways to be more involved, and things have just come my way. I wish I could go into more detail, but I won't right now.

I should probably go rest some more. Tomorrow begins another week.

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