Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Do not be discouraged..."

When I was looking at that verse yesterday, I was reading it in respect to the past. Looking at how everything turns out well in the end.

Today, I'm looking at that verse for encouragement to keep moving forward. I am very discouraged and worn down by my current work situation. Trying to make a band work that has no shot, trying to make a schedule work, that all it does is frustrate me. For some reason, today feels like Monday. Maybe because yesterday I wasn't on main campus at all, but still, it's been a long day already. It frustrates me that "extra" classes are changing my students' schedules STILL and trying to make me change a schedule I worked hard to make manageable. It frustrates me that people are coming to me asking for special permission to let one of their advisees into lessons: the answer is no. It frustrates me that nothing is getting accomplished when it's supposed to. That I've been waiting all day for someone to make a simple phone call and it hasn't happened. It frustrates me that people think it's okay to try to fix a problem AFTER it comes up, when it was brought to your attention earlier. It bothers me that I'm teaching double what "core subject" teachers teach. It bothers me that music is 'valued' here, but does not get the time of day. It frustrates me that people come to me for information that should be coming from my boss. It bothers me that while I am working so hard for my students and this school, there are still people here that don't realize anything they are supposed to do.

And now that I've written this. I'm going to go spend some time in prayer before my next lesson so I don't go insane.


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