Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Life ramblings and such..

I've been ill for about 4 days now, and it's really taking its toll on me. I layed down really early last night and went to sleep a lot earlier than normal. Tonight is going to be like that as well.

Even as I write that, I feel like I need to lay down right now. It really drains your body when you're ill.

But also, there's so much going on in my mind. I have this amazing friend that is always really supportive (and completely honest with me), so when I write entries like the one below, she just gives me the straight feedback, and I like that. I love knowing there is someone out there who is completely honest with me, and is such a great resource when I have questions.

Many of you will remember that before I left I finally accepted the calling God has placed on my life, but still wasn't exactly sure where it was leading. More and more I see that missions is going to be my "field". I just don't know yet if it will be on the state-side end of it, or permanently out in the field. It's okay. I'm fine with that. There's time between now and then to let God show me the way. All I have to do is step out in faith and listen for God's voice.

Through thoughts an prayers and just general searching, I've set a goal for myself to raise $1,500 for this December. $500 is for the plane ticket (therefore bypassing the train situation). The rest would be to feed me, buy Christmas presents for my friends and the rest a donation to their organization. I actually don't know where the $1500 number came from, but it seems reasonable. I'm not sure how to fundraise from thousands of miles away, so if you have any ideas, please feel free to send them my way!

All my love,

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