Saturday, June 12, 2010

What makes us different?

Where I live, everyone has idols on their dashboard (and by everyone, I mean the taxi and bus drivers). More often than not, they are H'indu gods. Sometimes they light up, they play music, and are adorned with flowers. But on Wednesday, as I headed down the mountain for a quick trip, I realized my driver had one on his dashboard. But there was a c'ross hanging from the rear view mirror.

I was perplexed. I began looking closely at the idol on the dash, and realized, "HEY! That's Mary holding J'esus!"... Yes, you heard that right. It was a C'hristian idol on his dash.

So that brings me to the point: If I hadn't looked closer, I would have assumed he was H'indu. That is what the culture here knows: idols on the dash.

So what makes us different? As C'hristians, aren't we supposed to go against the flow? Aren't we supposed to set a different example? We are not to follow the ways of the world, but to honor and obey the loving Father. Are we doing that if we just adapt the worldly patterns into ours? We are not to worship idols, and yet, some have made idols of our L'ord.

Just a thought to ponder... There's a lot about this is the book "Holy Subversion" by Trevin Wax. I suggest you read it and look at the idols that we have made in our lives...

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