Thursday, June 24, 2010


I know I keep saying it, but I will continue to say it forever: I am so thankful for the people that surround me. I got pretty sick earlier this week and had to go get treated for it on the plains. I had them let me out as soon as possible (before fever was gone completely) because I desperately wanted to be around my friends. My heart aches when I'm not around these people. Physically, I may not always feel 100%, but when I'm with my friends here, I feel significantly better.

My heart actually aches when I'm not here. How does this place ingrain itself so quickly into the heart? People become your family in ways that I can't even explain. My heart expands and fills with the sight of these people (no joke). Even looking at pictures brings a smile to a part of me so much deeper than my face. My fever is still not gone, but my heart feels so much better, and that's what counts, really, isn't it?

Our C'hristian family is so big, and I can't even fathom how much love there is within it. He is so good. So good.

1 comment:

Grant and Charlene said...

Melissa, I was playing around on facebook and came across your page . . .and then noticed your blog address. I started reading through it and made it to here, relating so closely to many things you were writing. Manali has become my home, too, and its people my heart. I am encouraged by your honesty about your hard days. I am encouraged by your honesty in general. It seems that you are truly in the place you are supposed to be. Just wanted you to know that I was reading your thoughts . . .may the Lord draw you closer and closer to Himself. Love--Charlene