Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stained Glass

Every week during worship I stare at this image. This is the stained glass at the front/back of our sanctuary. The congregation can't see it during worship, but it is the side of the building that faces the road. Because of its location only the choir and staff can see it. And I enjoy staring at it almost all the time.

You can't tell from this picture necessarily, but there are three crosses in red. It is stained glass, so it is not solid, but the pieces are clearly there. And given my current state as a fragmented piece of something (working multiple jobs, going to school full time, living life, etc), it is beautiful to me.

Extremely beautiful.

So I'm looking at it this morning as our pastor preached on John 13:34-35 - The passage where Jesus says "love one another. They will know you are disciples by your love." (paraphrase).

And I look back at this window. This MASSIVE window.

And I see love in it. The three crosses, formed out of brokenness, and yet, full of love.

I told this children about agape in the children's message: the unconditional, unbelievable love that God has for us. And here it is, sitting there, staring me in the face each and every Sunday (and every other time I walk through the sanctuary).

This love that, even in our brokenness, shines through. That if we are loving others the way God loves us, you can see the cross we bear on our souls.

And I don't know why I haven't thought of that before, but it was extremely powerful to me this morning.

I am broken, but I wear the cross. I am in pieces sometimes, but God still shines through. I am only human, but God is God.

An otherwise pointless mess of glass, the cross stands in the middle, showing God in the broken.

God who heals.
God who loves.
God who reaches out.

Let me love like God this week.


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