Monday, September 5, 2011

My ayah...

Well, obviously not *my* ayah anymore, but still...

There have been a few times at night, when I'm closing up the house getting ready to go to bed, when I'll have the thought "I should go do XXXX so that Mary can find it tomorrow" or "I really need to organize this so it's not so hard for Mary in the morning" or even "I need to leave a note for Mary. I just don't have the time to do it myself!!!"....

The conversation in my head normally goes as follows:

Ummm, girl, you don't have an ayah anymore.....

O. That's right. I'll just put this down then, and do it in the morning.

HA! It's funny how things stick in your head sometimes. I never thought I'd grow accustomed to having a maid, nor come to depend on her so much. Thankfully, though, I did enough myself that I have not forgotten all of my skills, and I stay up with my dishes and laundry and grocery shopping all on my own. Though, sometimes, it'll be a day or two late... But that's okay. The convenience of Mary being around was great, and she really helped me in a place where doing everything yourself is not always possible. Sometimes, I wish I could have brought her with me! That's okay, though. My house is not a mess. I can do all my own laundry. And lo and behold!!! The laundry can be finished on the same day it is washed!!! Who would have thought that was possible? I mean, washed, dried, folded and put away!!! NO WAY!!!

It's true, though. It really is. I wouldn't joke about such things.

It took me awhile to get used to the sounds of the language where I used to live. But once I did, learning the words became a lot easier. However, now they are slipping out of my head. I have to sit and think "What was that word, again???"... and hope that it pops into my head at some point in the near future before I forget what word I'm trying to think of...

And now I'm learning ANOTHER language. This time, though, I'm learning it properly. And it's not a spoken language (though we will be reading it), but written. I am writing new letters, and doing it formally. Lessons. Learning the alphabet. Memorizing things. This is not hob-nobbed like I've learned previous languages (with the exception of latin). I haven't learned a single word in 3 lessons. I don't have a post-it note on my table with the word "anja" on it, and the definition. Mind you, the definition of "anja" varies based on which language you are learning it in. But still. I don't know if learning the language properly will be easier or harder than trying to learn the colloquial language where I used to live. I hope, though, that the time in this class continues to pass as fast as it has been. I feel as if the class time needs to double just so I understand more (though I really enjoy finishing class by 2pm!!)...

I miss my ayah.

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