Friday, January 29, 2010

People Forget...

One of the things you learn when you live overseas is that people forget. They aren't doing it intentionally, but it happens. Out of sight, out of mind.

This December, I got to hang out with someone who had only been here about 2 months, and we had and talked about this. It becomes more apparent to you when you are the one overseas... When you realize you are suddenly getting less e-mails, fewer letters, fewer people commenting on facebook, etc, it becomes apparent: You've been forgotten. Sure, when the birthday reminder pops up, or facebook reminds your friends to "stay in touch", you'll hear something. But otherwise, not so much. Sometimes, this can be a pain.

But it's the same in reverse sometimes. We try so hard to remain connected to the people at home. We keep looking at pictures of friends, reading statuses, watching blogs, all desperate attempts to remain connected to a culture we have left. And little by little it gets harder to remain in touch. The longer you are overseas, the more you feel detached from everything at 'home'. You are no longer on the front lines of new movies, new foods, new trends, or even new people that have merged into your group of friends.

We don't forget as easily, but it does become difficult to keep things going. Lives differ in BIG ways.

But every once in a while you get a reminder that people do remember. They remember who you are. They remember what you are doing and why you left them. That it wasn't easy, but it's for something (someONE) higher.

I had that reminder today. I got home and checked my e-mail and found out that my home church took up a collection for me. I didn't ask for money, but I certainly know that it is appreciated and am so thankful for it. I hate that I can't be there with them. That between having two churches at home, I am never anywhere for very long, but that they still love me. I would rather be there with them right now.

I say sometimes that I'm fine not going home this summer. There are plenty of things I can do on this side of the world that are much cheaper, but my heart does long to see everyone again. I am putting my faith in God that what is meant to happen will happen. If I am meant to go home, the funds will be raised and the tickets will be bought. And if not, I'll head up north to the mountains and learn some languages for a while, and maybe visit other friends near the border.

There are options, and I know He'll do whatever He wants for me.

I thank God everyday for my friends at home.

I love you and miss you all.


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