Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hardest beginnings...

I've been back for just over a week. I enjoyed the first few days, a lot. It was really quiet and I enjoyed being here without all the commotion. The restlessness is slowly coming back to the town, and I've found myself recently feeling very down about the beginning of the year. Why, you ask? Well, there are a lot of people leaving at the end of the semester. And a lot of other things are changing over here and throughout the year. There are so many good things to look forward to, and yet, knowing that some people won't be here at the beginning of the next year makes me sad. I know it's the best for those involved, but still makes me sad.

I'm just in this place where I don't want to see people go. I have grown a lot and in different ways here, and it makes it harder to know that people are going. I will miss them. They are part of what makes this town 'home'. It makes all the difference for me knowing they are here. Ugh. I can't really explain everything I'm feeling.

Hmm... Not much else I can say. Too much going on.

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