Monday, June 2, 2008

Great faith = Great trials

A lot of my devotionals and other random readings have been about how great faith requires great trials.

And while that sometimes can seem so depressing, it is also terribly rewarding and uplifting. Knowing that at the end of whatever I'm going through is a stronger faith, and a greater relationship with my Lord and Saviour. It is awesome to know that, and it is what pulls me through.

It's also a great thing to have people around me that are there to remind me when I slip up that tomorrow is a new day, and I just have to remember that. Remember that getting up is what matters.

If anyone is looking for a good devotional book, here is one that I recommend highly. I first found it in my church library one day while I was looking for good books, and eventually went out to buy my own copy so I could mark all over it (it is now updated and written in modern english).

It's called Streams in the Desert and was written by LB Cowman. She and her husband served as missionaries in China in the early 1900's. Through her struggles she put together readings that helped her through. I find it right on point and a wealth of knowledge.

God bless,

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