Sunday, May 11, 2008


This is going to be my public journal here on out about the life and times of me.

Mostly, this is to keep my American counter-parts up to date on what I'm doing overseas and how my life is going. Hopefully this will be as exciting for you as it is for me.

A little about me:
I'm currently in the process of graduating from college with a degree in Music Education. It's been a long journey getting to this point. Let me explain:

I was born and raised a Christian. I was a happy girl with a huge, loving family. I loved my Lord and Saviour.

When I was 11 (1997), I moved from NY to NC. I'd lost my support system, and everything I had known. I don't know if you've ever made a huge move you weren't prepared for, but it can rip you apart without you even realizing it. I didn't realize it hurt so bad until one day, something that should never happen to anyone, happened to me. From that day forward, I had no idea what I was doing with my life. I used different things to try to control my life and after a while I began to get my life back on track.

However, that did not last long. The guilt I felt over straying away from God, and turning my back on him came back and ate me alive. Satan was really doing a job on my heart. In 2006, I was so far gone, that I'm not sure what anyone said could have saved me. My eating disorder was back full force, I was losing weight, and I was cutting up to 100 times a day.

But then my life changed. In February 2007, I moved to New Zealand to study for 5 months. I found an amazing church and in March, the national pastor came and spoke about forgiveness. I realized I hadn't forgiven the person who hurt me. So I forgave him. And I forgave myself for all the pain I had inflicted on my own body and heart.

After that, my life changed. I could now get through the hard times more easily. I was relying on God to sustain me and not my mind figuring out a way to cope. I was finally somewhat okay, and I finally believed God may be able to use me after all.

I applied to go to India on a two week trip when I returned from New Zealand. I was accepted. I knew this is what God was telling me to do. I went and had an amazing time. God is so amazing and so needed in that country.

And now I'm home, finishing my last semester of college (I graduate on Friday), and I'm preparing to move to India. I've accepted a job in the south of India and I will be there for three years. This is my way of keeping America informed.

Everyone seems to have a life verse... and mine was written by one of my hero's, Paul. He is the ultimate model of a horrible, awful life that was turned around by grace and became a life of Love, Humility, and God.

1 Corinthians 15: 10- For it is by the grace of God that I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.

I love my Lord and Saviour. He is the only thing that sustains me.

I pray all who are reading this are well.

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