Monday, February 7, 2011

Slowing down

So, while my computer was dead and gone, I really took time to slow down in my life. I was at school until at least 7pm every day, but when I got home, everything was different. I turned on worship music, cooked some dinner, sat at the table and ate it, read some, and then went to bed.

My computer has been back for a couple weeks and I'm on it all the time again (probably not as bad as I was before it broke, but still a lot)... I use it to check my work e-mail as soon as I get home from work. I also check it right before I go to work... as if in the 10 minutes that it takes me to lock my door, walk to work, and unlock my office (and vice versa) an e-mail would come that's so vital those 10 minutes are HUGE....

Sheesh. I don't need that in my life. Time to make some rules. I downloaded some books onto my computer when it came back, but ya know what? Reading a book on the computer is not nearly as satisfying as having the real book in your hands. I do not like it nearly as much.

I need to limit the internet. Limit the videos (movies, tv shows, etc). Limit the e-mail. Sleep at regular times. Eat at regular times. Be normal. I just read an article about being too attached to technology. Yepp, it's definitely my vice.

More another day...

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