Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog's Day

So, does anyone know if the groundhog saw it's shadow? Not that it really matters to me, but as there's been a lot of snow on that side of the world, I imagine you guys would appreciate the end of winter.

February is bringing with it a lot of adventures. Field trip is two weeks from now. Two weeks later I am going out of town for a personal trip. Two weeks after that, we are having a music festival with a school coming here. Two weeks later, long weekend. Then three weeks later, the Easter Cantata, followed the next weekend by the final concerts. My final concerts at the school. Carnegie Hall might be having some representatives come during this time, too.

A lot going on this semester.

I am doing a lot of work beyond just my normal work.

Working on enjoying my time here before I go anywhere.

Tired. Love you all, and I'll write more later!

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