Saturday, April 17, 2010


Learning this week about God putting people in our lives at certain moments and those moments speaking to us. Beth Moore discusses this in the Bible study this week about King Xerxes realizing after five years that he hasn't thanked Mordecai for saving his life, and asking his right hand man, Haman, what to do for someone whom the king wishes to honor. Haman, of course, thinks of himself only and goes into elaborate details about the robe of the king being put on the man and for him to be led through town on the king's horse with everyone bowing to him... God worked all of that out together to save the Jews from the edict Haman had sent out...

Wednesday night, I came home ill from school. I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to take medicine. I just wanted to sleep. And sleep I did. After a bit, I got a phone call from an unknown number, and while I don't usually answer, I thought I should this time. It was a woman from our Bible study who had heard God tell her to pray for me and wanted to share some scripture with me. God truly sent this message to her and it was enough to get me going to at least make something to eat that night.

There are times when God makes things happen that just speak right to us. This has happened numerous times to me over the last few months, and I am so thankful that He is sending messages through various people in my life. It keeps me going and pushing. It also helps me correct myself. I am thankful for the people in my life who will tell me when I am wrong. Only by being told can I fix it, and I am grateful.

God is good.

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