Monday, November 17, 2008


Oceans in two senses: the ebbing and changing of life, and the literal ocean that separates me from home....

The first: ebbing and changing of life.... I've gotten back both my evaluations from Margaret and Pratap and I'm pleased with what they said. I know in one lesson they can't really see how my class operates, but I think they got the picture enough that they understood. The things they gave suggestions on are easy to improve. Pratap was very pleased with how the concerts went. He said he was apprehensive about how the concerts would go because there were so many new teachers, but he was very pleased. That's good to hear.

On Friday night we said goodbye to Cathy (one of the student teachers who was here). She left on Saturday to travel in India for a little while before going back to the states. Jenny leaves tomorrow. Margaret and Paul leave Wednesday. It's crazy. Two weeks from today I'll be up north for the break. It will be so good to get off the mountain.


The literal ocean: Friends are coupling, doing their senior recitals, getting married, having kids, getting jobs, buying houses, and I'm sitting here on top of a mountain. I love it here, but knowing I'm not settled is, well, unsettling. Wishing I could be home to see my family, to meet the new members that have come into the world, the one that will come in a few months. I would love to be able to be there. But then I have to remember: even if i was in the states right now, it would probably be June before I got to see her. Christmas I'd probably be able to see some people. But for the most part it would be June no matter where I lived.

I guess it doesn't help that I'm awful at updating. :-)

It's the last teaching week here at school, and I'm extremely excited. Concerts are over, my life is slowing down a little. I have a fridge and an oven at home on which to cook and store food. Life's moving up.

Have to go fix a xylophone, peace out!

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