Monday, January 7, 2013


My "ONE WORD" for 2013 is: LIVE.
The idea of choosing one word to focus on for a year is the equivalent of making a resolution, but goes a bit deeper than "lose weight". These words range from trust to believe, from patience to discipline. You can learn more about "My one word" here. 

The word "LIVE" also goes beyond vague: to survive the year. I don't want to simply live (though that, too, is a worthy goal), but I want to LIVE. LIVE with capital letters: to not miss a moment; to not forget the sunrise; to go on adventures; laugh more; love more; and enjoy each and every moment.
For 2013, I'm going to LIVE. And because of that, I'm going to make a 2013 bucket list. Different than my general bucket list which is sometimes huge and extravagant things, my 2013 bucket list focuses on things I can do this year. Perhaps I will make them month by month and focus on just a couple. These are going to range from the crazily absurd, to the mundane. But that's the point, I'm going to LIVE. ;-)

Want to join me on my journey? What's your word for this year?

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