Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I'm really bad at blogging. Sorry about that.

Today we didn't have school because of local elections. FANTASTIC! I really enjoy not having school randomly. Not that I don't love my students and my job, but it is really nice to have a day off. I also really needed the day off because I felt my cold coming back last night. I could feel it in my throat, chest and head. I've been fighting this cold since January and it's been coming and going all the time.

I got sun poisoning over long weekend (the first of the month), and just now my scales are finally gone (seriously, I looked like a snake), but there are a lot of scabs where they were. Sun poisoning is NOT FUN. I cannot wait until it's all gone and my skin looks normal again.

The music festival went off well last month, and since then (other than long weekend), I've been helping prep the Easter Cantata. It's starting to come together and it will be good to see the completed performance.

Now, we're really on our way towards the end of the semester. There's really only 5 weeks left until the last day of school. It is crazy how fast each semester goes. There is a lot left to do before the end of school. Pray I can get it all done.

I had some interesting conversations over the last few days. It fascinates me what students wonder about, and it's nice to sit down with them in a casual setting and have the conversations they don't normally get to have, and I love watching them question their beliefs and really dig deep for answers.

Not much longer left at all... and working through it... three years passed so quickly... ::sigh:: I'm going to miss this place.