Monday, July 19, 2010

Another year...

Another year of school starts tomorrow. We've been working and getting ready for this since early last semester. Trying to get everything in order for it all, making sure we're prepared, and praying so much. It seems as if we're on our way, and the beginning hasn't been very stressful. There are mistakes being made (and, yes, I've made some of them), but slowly they get figured out. I've been interested to see how things have panned out as far as students going and returning and am constantly surprised.

My to-do list is never ending. My school diary is already demolished by my writing in it. I am exhausted. And yet, life is good. I don't know what I'd do if I lived a boring life.

We watched a video the other day called "Seeing Red Cars". It's about how we tend to get what we focus on. Think about this: you just bought a new car. It's red. You drive around and all you see is red cars around you. True? When I bought my Alero a few years ago, I remember driving around and noticing Aleros all over the place. Same thing when I had my Cirrus. It's interesting. But I've noticed how true it is. I focus on how blessed I am in my life and the great people that surround me, so that's what I see.

I'm currently trying to help one of my colleagues be more positive. He says that when he's angry, he thinks of solutions, but what is really happening is he's frustrating the people around them who don't work like that. I hope I can help him see that it's different being frustrated and trying to find a solution, and being angry and pulling it all down. I've also learned a lot about how I'm leading my department. I mean this in the sense that I have learned why I try so hard not to be angry. Too often, musicians (artists in general) are seen as emotional, irrational, and just plain non-accommodating (stubborn). This has been proved in some instances, but I try very hard to be calm, rational and able to compromise where it's logical. I've seen their pre-conceptions proven to them, and I don't want to be like that. I want to show them that everyone wants what is best for the students and that we are willing to work toward that.

I won't go on anymore tonight because I need to sleep. I have to be up in the morning and moving stools and stuff so we can play for opening assembly. Not really looking forward to it, but hey, we all do our jobs, right?


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Home again, home again,

jiggety jig.

I don't know when this place became home. When I drive up the mountain, and reach a certain junction, I know that I'm almost there. I wait to pass the waterfall that signals the journey is almost over. I drive onto my compound, greet the watchman and he opens the gates. I drive up the hill and here I am. My keys open the door and I walk in and collapse on the 'couch'. Home.

But it is. I'm at home here. It's comfortable.

I had a really good week away. Lots of laughs and jokes and memories that will stick with me. Even a few cuts to remind me of our adventures. ;-) I wish I could have stayed longer, but now I am back and will start work tomorrow.

My water purifier is not working at the moment, so I went to boil some water earlier and when I went to check on it, it was SO dirty. Like, dirtier than normal. So I went out and bought some bottled water. Hopefully they will come tomorrow to fix it.

Just a quick update. Maybe one later this week after I finish this new book. The priest in it has made some interesting statements, but I'd have to go back and find them. Maybe I'll do that.

Town is abuzz... summer is over... here come the staff and soon, the students... another year is set to begin.